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Miller Well Servicing Ltd. is a locally owned and operated company. Our office and shop are located at 1751 East Avenue in Weyburn, Saskatchewan.


Our mission is to deliver safe, efficient, and competitive services to our customers by providing experienced, professional field and supervisory personnel to operate our extremely well maintained equipment. The cornerstone of our business philosophy is genuine concern for the safety of our employees, our customers and the environment.


We have been proudly serving Southeast Saskatchewan’s oilfield since we began business in 2001 with one Rig. With a concentrated approach, by 2003, we were operating 3 Service Rigs. Rig #4 was brought on in 2006, Rig #5 was added in 2007 and in 2008, Rig #6 began operations. In 2009, Rig #7 was added to the fleet, followed by Rig #8 in 2011, and Rig #9 in 2013.  In 2018 Rig #1 was sent to CBI Manufacturing where it was turned into a double-triple rig.


Miller Well Servicing Ltd. is an active CAODC member and provides a full slate of services including completions, workovers, abandonments, well maintenance, high-pressure and critical sour well work and re-entry preparation. We feel we are able to offer some unique equipment that is not available from our competitors. Our highly experienced crews run our extremely well maintained equipment and benefit from additional support in the field, shop and office from our Field Superintendents, Safety Coordinator and in-house mechanic. We maintain our equipment to the highest standards, sacrificing no cost for safety and maintenance as we sincerely believe our people are only as good as the equipment they work with. We are proud to offer our clients piece of mind knowing that we consistently operate at a high standard of performance with an emphasis on safety and the environment.

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Bruce Miller

President & Owner

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Darcey Ward

Director of Business Development

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Kyle Bowes



Image by Dmitriy Demidov

Jeremy Duke

Field Superintendent

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Shandel Clark

Safety Coordinator


Shannon Miller

Office Manager

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Phone:  (306) 842-0992

Fax:  (306) 842-0952

After Hours: (306) 306-861-6154

Physical Address

1751 East Avenue

Weyburn, SK  S4H 2Y7

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 1341

Weyburn, SK  S4H 3J9

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